All in Digressions

We are surrounded by utopias — or so-called perfect sites which can never be significant places. The perfect presentation of these unreal spaces fills us with an uncanny dread concerning the attrition of our lives. These places are therefore like mirrors, for they are placeless places that are indicators of our existence which lacks being.

The envier does not want to correct an injustice, for to do so involves presenting oneself with courage by confronting an opponent. The envier seeks to remain invisible. By doing so their envy remains unseen.

Dangerously, humanity has abandoned their role as regulators of technological unconcealment by becoming mere participants in the unconcealment of the fires of technology by abandoning their role as poietic creators of technological instruments that aid in the advancement of species.

The zeitgeist of any given populous is, in many instances, the creation of the intelligentsia which seeks to embed and exploit vain strivings into the hearts of minds of a population only for the benefit of elitists — often under the guise of advocacy for the greater good.

Digressions is a rebellion against the demands of the crowd. The author of The Davidian was recently propositioned with the suggestion to add visuals in order to make the site more “engaging” — this activated a strong and visceral response of disgust which prompted an investigation of the self as to why this was the case.