Only the Slave Develops.

They Seek Possession

All non-philosophers are slaves.
— David Delt

Religion is often a mere sedative that is used to seemingly answer the question of the purpose of human life. We utilize religion and all its dogmas, systems, and narratives to create an exalted Father who provides us with morals, directives, commandments, and maps to live a purpose-driven life. Our behavior often contrasts what is prescribed to us by religion. Our strivings demand that we become joyous and remain so. When we escape from the dogmatic grip of religion, science and enlightenment can emerge. Philosophy is the atavistic predecessor of religion. It is a midwife to the truth. As blind adherers to religious systems, we have been conditioned to be disciples of moral valuations that have lost all muscularity. Thus philosophy calls. It invites us to take hold of wisdom so that we may create.

Consciousness is the last and latest aspect of the mind to develop. This fact corresponds with the discovery that the prefrontal cortex, our psychical seat of judgment, has been the last region of the brain to evolutionarily mature. The development of consciousness always involves intense labor. This is a task only taken up by super-predatory philosophers who are driven by a noble will. Even when developed, consciousness can be quite dim and dull for the vast majority of people. This reveals that instinct is in many ways superior to consciousness in ensuring survival, though society offers a contrarian narrative.

When we distance and dissociate ourselves from the princely shadow, it is projected into and onto the world.
— David Delt

So how is instinct superior to consciousness? Instinct always bypasses the error of misjudgment. We are often fooled by the appearance of a thing — which is a negative consequence of the intellect’s capacity to misjudge — therefore instinct has evolved to preserve us as a species because there is no misjudgment in instinct. Consciousness develops much more slowly — if ever at all — and is reserved for the minority amongst us. To be a thinker is a luxury most will never know.

All repressed creativity seeks an outlet.
— David Delt

Consciousness is not simply a matter of the mind, but also of the body. When we disrespect the physical body, we negate the other bodies — both the astral body and ethereal body — which are aligned with the physical body. Without these other bodies, the physical body would not animate and thus be unable to move through time and space. Even in this dimension man moves in a manner unworthy of his essence, for we do not understand the mystery of ontology, preventing us from understanding what humanity is. Furthermore, our pre-installed beliefs become a labyrinth of walls that prevent the apprehension of truth. Proper questioning of the universe leads us closer to discover the true purpose of man. The species must think and move towards the future which always manifests through the past — such a movement towards the end of time precedes our responsibility to be atavists of all that is noble and primordial. "A prosperous future can't be forged without the preservation of all noble and trans-historical virtues."

In The Will to Sacredness I continue:

"We must be careful to maintain our productive and poietic capacity to create symbols. In this creative mode, truth can be unrevealed, preparing us for life and love within an apocalyptic paradigm — an age that seeks to rasterize the ontics of our being through the installation of negative strengths and perverse moralities."

We are the Soul.

All repressed creativity seeks an outlet. Without an outlet, creativity festers as a pathogen within our beings. The poetic creativity that remains unconscious manifests as a psycho-spiritual disease that we remain blind to. In our quest to combat all manner of psycho-spiritual diseases, we must cultivate all latent creativity within our beings. Furthermore, the world is often a projection of what resides within mankind. We influence all that we observe.

If the species can not think, then how can it be free?
— David Delt

If the former self was considered to be king, the king has now fallen ill to the truth — the truth being that the throne upon which this former self has reigned will be usurped by another contender. This contender in the guise of the shadow must now be fiercely engaged and fought with — a contest that must lead to the anointing and exaltation of the shadow as the catalyst of individualized sovereignty. When we distance and dissociate ourselves from the princely shadow, it is projected into and onto the world. We become preoccupied with pathogens because we refuse to exalt the shadow to the throne of the psyche. There is always a forgetting that takes place through the exaltation of idols. The evil we believe to exist in the world is the unconscious evil that is repressed and ignored within in us. We often forget the world is hostile primarily due to the pathological behaviors that have been fostered within our beings. This pathological mode of being opens us up to possession of the evil that we try to bind and cast down. We fall into the trap of casting down all that should be managed and cultivated from within. To worship an idol is the forsake the subject as a co-creator of the universe.

In my unpublished memoirs As Man Moves I write:

“Idols are objects that embody and reflect projected values and ideals. The reflection of values and ideals as witnessed via inanimate or animate objects blinds us to the source of projection of these ideals. We are the source of the projection.” David Delt. As Man Moves.

World as Psyche

The psyche is unlimited in its influence. Without the psyche, the world could not exist. The psyche is not a whole that we simply possess, but it is through the psyche that reality is created and constructed. The body is in part, an animated psyche, therefore very little separation exists between being and the world — man remains as universal fascia, for the psyche is one with all that exists.

The psyche is unlimited in its influence.
— David Delt

The mind is an instrument to be managed, not to be owned. We must not take ownership of every single thought which passes through the mind, for mankind is a clearing through which truth is unconcealed. Nevertheless, it is important that the management of the entire organism is taken seriously to prevent the unwanted possession of the body by demonic and displaced entities that seek to use our members as vessels to satisfy their own unfulfilled volitions. In the essay A Full Manifestation, I posit:

"All that is repressed returns stronger, setting the stage for a violent eruption of individual and collective subconscious psychic energies leading to inevitable conflicts both locally and internationally. These full manifestations must be prepared for. To not integrate that which resides below into the whole psyche is to risk possession by all repressed shadows who seek manifestation and actualization through the members of man." David Delt. A Full Manifestation.

The true goal of the philosopher is to become an available medium through which truth can be ‘un-hidden’ or ‘dis-covered’. Consider this. All non-philosophers are slaves of others, irrespective of ethnicity, race, sex, or phenotype. If the species can not think — let alone harness creativity while dreaming again, then how can it be free? Nevertheless, to be human is to do more than think, mankind must move in the very world which it co-creates.

The mind is an instrument to be managed, not to be owned.
— David Delt

The Approach of Darkness: Negative Sanctification

The Unconcealing