Only the Slave Develops.


Does the movement of man lead to freedom or bondage?
— David Delt

Written in Shanghai during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Man finds himself in the world, surrounded by beings and objects providing resistance to slaves and lords alike. The world is antagonistic to the strivings of our kind. Does the movement of man lead to freedom or bondage? When we abuse the body, it will reassert itself in an effort to correct all pathologies. “It is to our great benefit that we cherish the development of consciousness while valuing the illimitable capacity of the unconsciousness to not only draw conclusions from learned information, but to predict and guide us to what is most meaningful.

Unfortunately, humanity has chosen to invest in the development of artificial intelligence while trying to explain away human consciousness. “ When one chooses to abbreviate their own consciousness in an effort to alleviate suffering, a repression of all shadows occurs. A more noble response exists.The noble response is to approach the mystery of ontolgy with love and fidelity.

Only the living can create values.
— David Delt

Let us consider this — body and world are not the exclusive enclosures of Being. Despite our essence being more than body and world, we must take a first step and reclaim the body that we have been conditioned to neglect and destroy. Make no mistake, truth can’t simply be apprehended by thought alone. Our rationality should always reflexively highlight the essence of the the divine animal, not abbreviate it. It is here where man is revealed as at least a tandem. From here the philosopher can investigate the more complex configurations of humanity. This investigation must yield a firmer understanding of the ontics of both the male and female of our species. It is important for philosophers to thoughtfully reflect on the core tenets of dualism. In doing so we must reconsider the demarcation of body and mind, signal and noise, input and output.

The mind is at least an extension of the body, maybe even to a greater degree than the body is an extension of the mind. Anatomical reactions that control our emotions arise from neural associations within our memory networks which are independent of our higher reasoning power. Certain traumatic or upsetting events can overwhelm the system causing the organism to remember to forget. Again, when we abuse the body, it will reassert itself in an effort to correct all pathologies.

Perhaps mankind is a fascia that binds the universe together.
— David Delt

Such tragic phenomenology can produce psychological complexes — distorted sensory and thought patterns that lead to unnatural behavior and are deep rooted in the psyche of an individual. The disease of the body always reminds us of our failure to bypass the history of trauma in our lives. In our investigation of the hard problem of consciousness, body, mind, and object must be reinvestigated through a panpsychic lense. Perhaps mankind is a fascia that binds the universe together. An investigation of this kind will lead man to the emergence of a second face, a mode of being that precedes the proper progress of the species. The emergence of the second face is always preceded by impulses which rip through the veil of persona, spurred on in part by our disgust of all unatural behaviors resulting from unresolved trauma events. In Silk Laden Predators - The New Philosphers I shed light on this holistic mode of being.

“Again, the biological immune system takes on a new modality, and regulates the behavior of the super-predatory philosopher. This behavioral immune system embodies adaptive psychological response mechanisms that are sensitive to cues that might predict the presence of infectious pathogens and which respond with appropriate cognitive processing and affective reactions. In our wisdom, we accept the spirit as an extension of the body by observing the origins of disgust as a biological protective mechanism against physical contamintion; which evolves into a constellation of responses that inform moral decision making and the development of appropriate and noble value systems.” - David Delt. Silk Laden Predators - The New Philosphers.

Values should always serve life.
— David Delt

A prosperous future can't be forged without the preservation of all noble and trans-historical virtues.” The personality of a person is the gestalt of many different prompts and stirrings; sub-personalities, biological motivational systems, sub-biological impulses, independent and procedural memory systems, imagination, etc. In the emergence of this will to power, personality must break through the veil of persona. Upon this breakthrough, philosophy is often discovered as the royal road to self-actualization. “Additionally, progress spurred on by personality, and not mere persona, is predicated on moving-in-the-world as a master, and no longer as a slave.” In New Priests I ask, “Have we forsaken the ingenuity of our design and renounced our primary directives — to dominate all organisms lower than mankind through our sheer will?”

The major error of post-modern doctrines is in the belief that man is a broken object of low value within the cosmos. We don’t simply believe that man is capable of sinning, but that he is the embodiment of sin. This is false. In Remember to Forget I posit:

“Is there not a small whisper that reminds us of a universal? Matter, even matters of the mind and heart, can not be destroyed but only transformed. Iniquity is not replaced with white snow, it simply frosts over and is suspended in an inert and static mode of existence. Sin is shoveled into a hulking mass of dirty precipitation. What once ran through our fingers as the blood of transgression is now firmly grasped as object allowing it to be securely tucked away in our secret places. These congealed iniquities reside behind doors that read remember to forget.” - David Delt. Remember to Forget.

Values of Self Love

Memory and the ability to make and keep a promise separates us from lower beings. Values can not exist without life. Only the living can create values. Values predicate what is gained, kept, or created. Life should inform values, morals, decisions, and actions. Only that which improves life is a value. All things that are anti-life suggest that we sacrifice the self and life for the negative values of resentful priests. To the contrary, values should always serve life. Even pleasure can be anti-life if it goes against the improvement of life. The movements of our species include but are not limited to the following: life, survival, rationality, humanity. Rationality is an essentially human trait and supersedes our animal nature. Simultaneously, rationality also reflexively highlights the essence of the divine animal. Man can indeed think upon himself and his nature, enabling him to approach the mystery of ontology. This selfishness is rooted in love for mankind - thus self-love. This movement towards the mystery of ontology is necessary for the one who seeks to apprehend life. The movement of the body should display the values of the being-in-the-world. Man is as man moves.

The saints of the apocalypse must resemble the great men of old.
— David Delt

How else could man approach the Prime Mover if he is unwilling to move as himself? The hope of sanctification lies not only in what is prophetically uttered, but in the movements of man throughout all time and space. The urgent need for an eschatological disposition becomes increasingly necessary in the wake of a twilight civilization suffering from the death of holiness. The saints of the apocalypse must resemble the great men of old.

“The last remnants of Christian value judgments embedded in society and culture will smolder away and make way for a new order. In ascension to what would seem to be higher versions of ourselves, as defined by Christian ideals, we have deluded ourselves into adhering to the fallacy that all primordial shapes of consciousness have been destroyed — the primitive savage has been crucified. We mistakenly believe resurrection is only for Christ and His saints. Alas, our will to live, fashioned by evolution, can not be smothered by the dirt heap of civilization which seeks to abbreviate our most noble configurations. The old man who was buried alive arises as an atavist — a putrid and hot Lazarus awakens. What use do we have of this re-animated savage?” - David Delt. New Priests.

The movement of the body should display the values of the being-in-the-world.
— David Delt

The Harrowing

Prophesy Again